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Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Assignments

In this course you are expected to complete two compositions throughout the semester.


Midterm: Fully digital

Final: electroacoustic (Both digital and acoustic components)



Assignment 1: start sound recording archive (at least 4 different files)



Assignment: Prepare a Celcius to Fahrenheit Converter

Basic Math operations


Assignment: Write down the E Dorian, A Mixolydian, and Ab Lydian

Write down the Frequencies of them starting from the 4th octave

Create a pure data patch that allows you to play these three modes on your computer or via a midi keyboard


Some Coding eexmaples to try:



>>> from turtle import *

>>> forward(200)

>>> for i in range(100):

...     forward(3.1416)

...     right(1.8)


>>> forward(200)



>>> from turtle import *

>>> color('red')


>>> for i in range(20):

...     forward(200)

...     left(108)



Try this:

>>> from turtle import *

>>> color('red')


>>> for i in range(10):

...     left(108)

...     forward(200)


>>> bye()



or try this:

>>> for i in range(6):

...     forward(200)

...     left(120)

Caesar Shift in Python (Brilliant)


alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

# convert between letters and numbers up to 26
def number_to_letter(i):
   return alphabet[i%26] # %26 does the wrap-around

def letter_to_number(l):
   return alphabet.find(l) # index in the alphabet

# How to encode a single character (letter or not)
def caesar_shift_single_character(l, amount):
   i = letter_to_number(l)
   if i == -1: # character not found in alphabet
       return "" # remove it, it's space or punctuation
       return number_to_letter(i + amount) # Caesar shift

# How to encode a full text
def caesar_shift(text, amount):
   shifted_text = ""
   for char in text.lower(): # also convert uppercase letters to lowercase
       shifted_text += caesar_shift_single_character(char, amount)
   return shifted_text


message = """
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door—
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more."

code = caesar_shift(message, 2)

from math import sin
#change the list below to whatever x values you wish to see evaluated.
#Make sure you keep it in list format (include [] around your list!)
x_vals = [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]   
for x in x_vals:
   print("When x =", x)
        # the function we want to see what happens as x approaches 0
       print("y = " , x * sin(1/x), "\n")
   except  ZeroDivisionError: 
       print("Error! Cannot Divide By Zero!\n")



from math import sin
#change the list below to whatever x values you wish to see evaluated.
#Make sure you keep it in list format (include [] around your list!)
x_vals = [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]   
for x in x_vals:
   print("When x =", x)
        # the function we want to see what happens as x approaches 0
       print("y = " , sin(1/x), "\n")
   except  ZeroDivisionError: 
       print("Error! Cannot Divide By Zero!\n")

Schedule is subject to change. Follow schedule updates weekly by latest a day before each meeting. 

Click on the arrows to see more content.

Weekly Schedule
Week 1

(Feb 26)


Welcome and Introduction to Sound



Assignment 1 is due next week

Week 2

(Feb 5)


Hearing and listening

Four Wave forms examples

Assignment 2 is due next week

Week 3

(Feb 12)

Subject to Change




Assignment 3 is due next week

Week 4

(Feb 19)




Assignment 4 is due next week

Week 5

(Feb 26)

AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) generated work examples.


No Assignment next week

(March 5)



Midterm Week 6

Part II


Week 7

(Mar 12)



Synthesis Introduction to DAWs and Sample Libraries

 ADSR and Instrumental Spectra

Week 8

(Mar 19)





Week 9

(Mar 26)



Week 10

(Apr 2)




Week 11

(Apr 9) Course will be rescheduled to Apr 5-7



Week 12

(Apr 16)



Week 13

(April 23) Rescheduled to Apr 21 8:30am




(April 30)



Templete Quiz
What color do you get when you mix blue and yellow?
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
How many continents are there?
Who was the first man to go into space?
Where is Budapest?
Which of these is a prime number?

Thanks for submitting!

Can's third String Quartet, Fallen (DüÅŸük) is the 11th globally most used score in the largest open access score repository out of total 5.514 scores, 68.595 views, 28.607 downloads, promoted by over 300 libraries worldwide!

Thanks to my followers and

The University of California Los Angeles Library!



Can's third String Quartet, Fallen (DüÅŸük)

is the 11th globally most high impact score in the largest open access score repository of 



Contemporary Score Collection

University of California Los Angeles Library


 the initial cycle



out of total 5.514 scores, 68.595 views, 28.607 downloads, promoted by over 300 libraries worldwide!

Thanks to all his followers,

The UCLA Library 

The University of California System!



Listen to the String Quartet and Gamelan version of


Go to Score

UCLA Library


Free online streaming & download available for purchase

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